QNix® 9500 is our recommendation for industrial coatings, Surface finishing and heavy-duty corrosion protection

Coating thickness measurement made better: See for yourself!

Do you have just 10 minutes to spare and want to find out more about our coating thickness gauges? In our information video we present We would like to introduce you to our latest generation of coating thickness gauges – the QNix® 9500 and QNix® 5500 – and their areas of application.

A coating thickness gauge for coating control on metal

Let us convince you of the features, advantages and technical data of the new QNix® 9500 We are sure to provide you with added value for your measuring tasks Quality and service are and will remain our top priority

The QNix® 9500 product family

Farbiges LCD
Anzeigeauflösung Diplay einstellbar
Flippendes Display 0°, 90°, 180°, 270° automatisch und manuell
Automatische Helligkeitsanpassung
Manuelle Helligkeitsanpassung
Akustische Messbestätigung, Lautstärke einstellbar
Umschaltung µm/mil
Batteriewechsel ohne Verlust von Einstellungen, Datum und Uhrzeit
Statistik live anzeigen als Werte
Statistik anzeigen als Grafik
Live messen (Messwert am PC anzeigen)
Hotkey selbst belegenFix Start Just
Genau messen (verzögertes Messen beim Aufsetzen)
Messauslösung per Taste (einstellbar)
Automatische Substratumschaltung
Manuelle Substratumschaltung
Kombinierte Messung (Fe- und NFe-Beschichtung mit einer Messung)
Messgeschwindigkeit Einzelmessungen pro Minute≥ 120≥ 120≥ 120
Robustes, glasfaserverstärktes, fünfteiliges Gehäuse
IP KlasseIP65IP65IP65
Einsatzbereich Temperatur-20 °C bis 70 °C-20 °C bis 70 °C-20 °C bis 70 °C
Individuell (Justierung frei konfigurierbar)
Justierspeicher Gerät (10 Justierungen)
ISO 19840 Zero Offset
ISO 19840 2-Point
SSPC PA2 Zero Offset
SSPC PA2 2-Point
Jobs / Areas kopieren
Areas pro Job1100100
Spots pro Area10.00010.00010.000
Grenzwerte einstellbar
Grenzwerteüberschreitung durch LED signalisieren
Grenzwerte je Area
Automatische Areaweiterschaltung (AAW)
ISO 19840
SSPC PA2 (80/120) (Level 1-5)
IMO PSPC (90/10)

Our product range

With its QNix® brand, Automation Dr. Nix offers a wide range of coating thickness gauges for the non-destructive measurement of coatings for a wide variety of applications in a wide range of industries.

QNix® 9500 Highly accurate and extremely robust coating thickness gauge. Ideally suited for measurement tasks with requirements for measured value storage, archiving, creation of documentation & reports and device configurations.
QNix® 5500 The optimum device for quick and easy checking of coating thickness. Handy, precise, extremely robust, designed for continuous use and very user-friendly. Simply switch on, put on, read off
QNix® 4500 / 4200 Universal, tried and tested and reliable. Wide range of applications and easy handling.

QNix® 1500
The classic coating knife. Very popular with motor vehicle experts, especially proven for larger measuring areas. With automatic on/off and one-hand operation.